Sunday, June 28, 2009

Random cuteness!

I try to stay abreast of all the latest cake recipes and cool ideas. Recently, the totally cool Bakerella posted the cutest little hamburgers, complete with steak fries, for Father's Day. When I seen them I fell in love and just knew I wanted to make them. We were getting together with friends for the weekend and doing some crafts. I decided we just had to add these to the menu. I wanted to take pictures of the whole process, but found out the battery for the camera needed charged! Bummer! The only proof I have is a picture meant to be of Bubba Jr. They just happen to be on the table at the time. We caught the little booger getting in the left-over icing!

You see Jr. is cut from the same cloth as his favorite aunt. Eat cake first, eat cake for breakfast, in a bus, on a train, just eat cake! He loves him some cake! Bubba Da Bang Bang Da Boogie (BDBBDB-his father's nickname for him), is the sweetest little guy and his little sister OH MY! She is adorable too! I promise lots of pictures.

NA! NA! GO! NA! NA! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! GO! GO! GO! NA! NA! You sing that to her and she gets to breaking it down for you. This girl has got the beat way down to her pinky toe. You go NA NA!!

Then there are these sweethearts! They are sitting waiting patiently on everyone to sit down for breakfast. French toast casserole hot out of the oven and thick cut bacon! Oh! Yeah! Baby!

This girl, we will call "sparkle", I don't know why that comes to mind.... but anyway she just had her 15th birthday. The slumber party was a hit and I got to make the cake. She wanted a Hawaiian theme. It was fun to make and the sand tasted awesome!

This last week was full of fun and absolute cuteness. From people to ketchup icing. I thank God for bringing such wonderful friends and family into my life, and the sugar...thanks Father for making sugar, allowing us to discover it. The fool that bit into that cane wasn't so crazy after all!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio
Originally uploaded by fabricadezvonuri

Movie Time

I am a huge movie buff. I love to go to the movies; I love to rent movies, I love when you stumble upon a good movie when surfin' cable!
I have seen a few recently, some worth mentioning, others not so much.

We have went to see "The Proposal" twice. We had a couple friends who wanted to see it and it worked out that we went to see it again. No biggie, Ryan Reynolds takes his shirt off! He has been working out, you see. Working it all out, girls. Hottie! I do not say that word all the time. As a matter of fact, I am the least boy crazy of a gal you'll ever meet. He did it for me. He just does it for me on all levels. Funny, oh yeah, he is funny!
I give the movie an overall "7", on a 1-10 scale. It is a mediocre 4 because it is predictable from the start. I am adding a point for Betty White, she made the movie funny. I am adding 2 points for Ryan. I hope to see him in more movies with his clothes off making me laugh. The best part (besides the cracks made by Betty) was the mention of Rob Base and the mention of his song "It Takes Two". Which they totally screwed up by not playing more of it. It really lacked music period.
Worth watching, but you can wait til the DVD comes out. Just for now
though take a looky. Oh.. OK... take another looky. That's a eight pack ladies.

Quit it Ryan! Just Quit it!

Tonight I watched Revolutionary Road. I was in the mood for a drama. It starts out slow and stays slow. The movie line and story keep you wanting more. I give it a 6. What deserves the "10" was Leonardo Dicaprio. I knew he was a great actor when I watched "What's eating Gilbert Grape?". Stellar performance by Leo. Kate Winslet is one of my favorite actresses and she does a good job in this movie. However, Leonardo totally outshines her. To me he is just awesome! He is truly a gifted actor.

The best part for me is when "crazy" John comes to their house for dinner. He gets to running his mouth. Calling Frank (Leo) a lesser man. Frank snaps! I don't mean snaps like we all so flippantly use the word. He took it there! He cussed him out, Huunny! He called him crazy and to take his blankety blanking blank back to the nuthouse. I loved it! Not a comedy at all but I cracked up. Leonardo gets his face all kinds of purple and is gonna rip Crazy John's head off before his mama stepped in and saved him. That is what I call snapping! He had had enough of the ramblings. Mr. Dicaprio showed true rage. Not easy to do at a moments notice.

Hats off to another excellent performance by Leanardo Dicaprio

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"What not to do at a restaurant" #9 Dont Camp!

Respect the section! Let me start by first explaining what a section is. A section is a group of tables. There are several tables in a restaurant. They are divided into sections. Usually, there are several tables in a section, depending on the size of the dining room. There can be anywhere from 5-9 tables per section. That also depends on how many servers are on the floor. The floor being the dining room floor. Not just randomly laying on the floor, that would be silly! You can do the math, but most restaurants have 40-60 tables in the dining room. Of course for a cafe or bistro this is not the case.
So let's play out a scenario somewhere in the middle. In this particular restaurant there are 50 tables and 8 servers on the floor. That means that server has a 6 table section. If filled to capacity that is on a average with 24-36 folks. Hungry and thirsty folks. That is 30 mouths, sixty eyeballs and sixty hands in the air. "Now wave 'em like you just don't c...." oh sorry I got carried away.
East End Campers

Some folks are patient, some folks are not. I will address the ones that are not. These guys are the ones who sit down and immediately start looking for the person that is their server. Where are they? Is that her over there? she went in the back. I am ready to eat she needs to get over here! 30 seconds go by... they are turning around in their seat, completely. They make eye contact, they look down at their watch, y'know for the tell all sign I am in hurry!!! You rush over after tending to the other 28 folks who just happen to be impatient as well. "Can we start off with an appetizer?" Server gets a look of astonishment on her face. "Well, sure but if you folks are in a hurry I can go ahead and take your order too." "We would like to start off with drinks and an appetizer" Ok! So the academy award performance was just because you wanted to be noticed?! You just want to be treated like you were the only table in the entire restaurant?! Here's the deal chief, You Ain't!
Marcellus Red Tomahawk
To all of the ones with the patience of a saint, God Bless You! You are the ones that it is a pleasure to serve. We will go out of our way to make sure you have everything you need and then some.
After I get you all fed, nourished and hydrated you would think you would be ready to go. This is not always the case. We have what servers like to call people who wont leave, "campers".
Summer Holidays
You sit in our section the entire dinner period. That means that I miss another table sitting there before the rush is over. That also means I miss that other tip too. I am not at the restaurant because I want to make sure you people get your vitamins! It is my job! The federal government has mandated that I make 4 dollars an hour. They are under the impression that I make enough tips in an hour to make this whole thing worth while. If you camp out in my section, I can't! Not everyday do we get "campers", but when we do it is frustrating. If you are unnecessarily sitting and there is a line at the door. You are just pathetically selfish, and need to be beat up. If you are going to sit at a table, in a section longer than it takes to eat. You should be prepared to double tip if you sit in the section the entire evening be prepared to triple tip. You need to pay rent for that table or booth. Whichever the case may be. You are conducting some form of business other than eating, colleagues discussing business, lover's quarrel, job interview, selling Mary Kay, secret affair, buttering up a sports recruiter,....yes, we have seen it all. You need to pay. Bottom line. Time is money. Respect your wait staff's time. Respect the section!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Strawberry Footballs

This cake was made for a 10 year old boy who just loves strawberries. His mother ordered the cake to be strawberry with a football theme, at first. Then during the conversation maybe just some strawberries on top. He really LOVES strawberries. So in my mind I was thinking glace' strawberries. Pretty! However, this is a boy and he plays football, goes fishing and chases wild turkeys in his yard. Pretty would not do.

Then I thought to include some grass and maybe put some strawberries in the grass. Pretty...not that again, we gotta roll these strawberries in the dirt! So I pictured little Columbus' shoes after he has been exploring. Mud! Chocolate! Chocolate covered strawberries. We still needed a little football in the mix. Strawberry Footballs! By George! Cute! I could deal with cute, pretty..ugh NO!
Footballs all over the field.

I could have went overboard with banners, actual players, fans, a stadium. Just kiddin'! The birthday boy liked it! It was strawberry. That's all that mattered.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

What not to do at a restaurant!

I am adding to my blog a little section entitled-- What not to do at a restaurant! Yes, it was mandatory that I added the exclamation point. This is quite an important subject, especially, to those who work in restaurants. I happen to work at a restaurant. The stories, OH! the stories. Brace yourself folks. I am gonna start with a list of ten what not to dos. Then as I talk to my co-workers I am sure there are more to come. If you sense a sarcastic tone in my writing, your on point. I am very sarcastic, which borders on funny and rude. When I talk about irritating subjects, such as, ignorance of my fellow man. My sarcasm gets a tad hostile. I am being upfront regarding this issue. Like I said brace yourself folks.
You will not read a profanity here though. I can control obscenities. However, I am as honest as the day is long and "keep it real". (Even with myself, I will be the first to point out a flaw and what I need to do to work it out.)
Most folks can't handle honesty they have spent a life time lying to themselves and others. This is not my motto, this is, let's get to the bottom of why there is a problem and fix it.
We have been given a beautiful earth to enjoy. Love is always the order of the day. We are in this together, let's respect each other.

A sunrise picture says so much. The sun, what a awesome gift from God. We exist because it keeps burnin'. We all have it in common, we can ALL watch it set and watch it rise everyday. Also I thought I would throw in a pretty picture because this is gonna get ugly. I want you to know I have a soft side. Really, I do.
In an effort to make peace and harmony between man, I feel it is my duty to let everyone know what not to do at a restaurant!
#10 Respect the carpet!
Now, let me first say why carpet in a restaurant? The genius behind this in fact is really not a genius at all! He thinks he is which only makes it worse. The fact that somebody didn't tackle him when he made this choice, lets you know he can't be reasoned with. So we let him pay for frequent shampooings and shake our head.
If you sit down to eat at a restaurant that has carpeting, you would think slopping food would be out of the question. NOT!
Mothers with small children come in and sit little Johnny in his highchair and let him go at it. Where does it go? On the carpet,of course. If this was Mommy's carpet she would reprimand little Johnny. Don't honey. Keep it on you plate, sugar.
Then we get to the part, this is a kid, and he's gonna make a mess. Yeah, Ok, we get that. Mommy 1 and Mommy 2 got lost in their conversation. It happens. So when they get up to leave, they get "little messy" out of the highchair and wipe him off. It all gets vigorously rubbed off on to the floor. Then they gather all there stuff and walk off. Here's the kicker they come back to leave the dollar tip and see the war zone. Not one compulsion to NOT leave it that way, NONE!
Mommies what are you thinking?
I was gonna address the dollar-two dollar tip issue in another installment. I CAN'T! I gotta let them have it! Are you kidding? We have to put up with your kids grabbing our straws and hineys. We have to put up with you asking little princess to tell us her order even if it takes her 10 mins. We have to put up with the kids asking for more of this and more of that every time we are near your table. We have to put up with the mess we have to clean before we can seat another family there. Then you throw a mediocre tip on the table! WHAT THE !!?? How about a little extra, because you know your bunch is a handful? Oh, I get it, you aren't supposed to be out to lunch. Hubby doesn't know. Your budget doesn't allow it. You are supposed to be at home cleaning. So you take the kids out to let them tear up your local restaurant and stiff your waitress?
Is this respect? I think not.
Once, in all my years, I actually saw a mother take a napkin and pick up the floor before she left. It was a moment I will never forget. All the waitresses and bus boys stopped and stared. The overhead music stopped. The dishes stopped clanging in the back, because the dishwasher came running out. All the tables began to stare. This mother her hair started to glow, her face lit up, a halo appeared over her head. Just then a chorus from heaven, HALLELUJAH!HALLELUJAH!HALLELUJAH! HALLLLEEEELLLUUUUUJAH!!!!! AMEN

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fondant, Oh my!

This cake looks like it was for a pretty young girl whose bedroom is pink and yellow. Actually it was for my 39 year old sister! This was an experiment with fondant ok? She really didn't mind. I think. I was really going for yellow daisies. I was gonna layer the petals and make big fabulous daises. Then decided to throw a little pink in the mix. Why not? Then when the fondant just didn't work thinner. ARGHHH, I just went with chunky ones. There ain't a thing wrong with chunky. The homemade fondant recipe I used is like buttercream and amazing!

I tried to add more powdered sugar to my work surface (dining room table). Hoping it would toughen up and not tear because I wanted them thinner. This resulted in the fondant drying out and cracking. So the recipe I am using is missing something. What? Gelatin? Tylose powder? Should I just try gum paste? My inner creative, crafty and artsy self is aching for a medium! So the hunt is on! Very soon I am gonna make some gum paste, homemade of course. If it doesn't turn out tasty I may have to tweak it. I could find something in between the two. A must for me is that it must taste good. It must be able to be consumed without chipping a tooth. I am up for the challenge with several cake orders in my future I must forge on. If you all have great recipes and know exactly what it is I am searching high and low for. Please clue me in. I know I am a rookie, but I have potential. I just know it down in my knower. Now picture Jim Carrey in Pet Ventura at the mental hospital with a pink tutu on and his hair in pig tails. " I'm ready to go in coach, just give me a chance coach, I know I can do it!" I will keep you all up to date, post photos and commentary.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Typos! Yuck!

So I think I am real cool with my new blog spot, business cards and digital camera. I'm the stuff, NOT! Read my new blog post back after I had already published it to find typos? What the??!!? You are the new cool cat on the block.... you can't be doing that... what in the world! So I misspelled here ...hear. Good heavens! Also just noticed spell check...duh duh doy! I left out an "and" and added a "not" when I had no business doing it. I am gonna have to check, re-check, spell check, write a check and check again before I publish. You fabulous, hard-workin' folks don't have time for my ignorance. Please forgive me but I do not promise it will never happen again because as sure as I am a coffee drinker it will! Sorry.

Flour or powder?

So I am a baker, and everyone who knows me knows it. Which has its advantages, like getting folks mad at you glad by giving them a warm cookie. All wrongs are righted. Noone wants to tick off the cake lady. So mistakes are often over looked with visions of sugar plums dancing in there head. Being a baker has its disadvantages, of course. It's hot ....its an oven kid! I am on the verge of hot flashes ( I will not tell my age don't ask). I swear I have them all ready. Cause all the sudden I am real hot, and I gotta get cool fast, no not cold. On warm days with the oven going and stickin' your head in to check stuff.....well I could pass out. Anyway, the way I keep it cool is to take a cool shower and get in front of a fan. Chilly, baby! For extra comfort in those crevices I keep discovering, baby powder. MMM HMM! I said it I have some hills and valleys. God didn't put me hear to be a super model. Thank you God! Sometimes I am so hot I get a little crazy with the powder cause it feels real good. I squirted a whole bunch on my bed after I got out of the shower. I was naked, you see ( Thanks be to everything holy you werent there) and I layed down in the cloud turned the fan on me. Hallelujah! This is a must try. I looked like a jelly doughnut but I dusted myself off got in my sweats it was all good. Since most of the powder had adhered to my moist body, I assumed clean-up was covered. ( covered, get it! ha ha ha) Next day I am going about my usuals and getting ready for work . I sit on my bed to lotion my calloused heels before I put my socks on you know the usuals. Race out the door cause I gotta be 3 minutes late or it aint me. Get to work and everyone tells me I got flour all over my rump. It was quickly dismissed with no awkwardness, just brush it off. The bigger question was where was the goodies? I had obviously baked that morning, right? You didn't bring anything in? What did we do wrong? Here let me get that flour off for you?