I am adding to my blog a little section entitled-- What not to do at a restaurant! Yes, it was mandatory that I added the exclamation point. This is quite an important subject, especially, to those who work in restaurants. I happen to work at a restaurant. The stories, OH! the stories. Brace yourself folks. I am gonna start with a list of ten what not to dos. Then as I talk to my co-workers I am sure there are more to come. If you sense a sarcastic tone in my writing, your on point. I am very sarcastic, which borders on funny and rude. When I talk about irritating subjects, such as, ignorance of my fellow man. My sarcasm gets a tad hostile. I am being upfront regarding this issue. Like I said brace yourself folks.
You will not read a profanity here though. I can control obscenities. However, I am as honest as the day is long and "keep it real". (Even with myself, I will be the first to point out a flaw and what I need to do to work it out.)
Most folks can't handle honesty they have spent a life time lying to themselves and others. This is not my motto, this is, let's get to the bottom of why there is a problem and fix it.
We have been given a beautiful earth to enjoy. Love is always the order of the day. We are in this together, let's respect each other.

A sunrise picture says so much. The sun, what a awesome gift from God. We exist because it keeps burnin'. We all have it in common, we can ALL watch it set and watch it rise everyday. Also I thought I would throw in a pretty picture because this is gonna get ugly. I want you to know I have a soft side. Really, I do.
In an effort to make peace and harmony between man, I feel it is my duty to let everyone know what not to do at a restaurant!
#10 Respect the carpet!
Now, let me first say why carpet in a restaurant? The genius behind this in fact is really not a genius at all! He thinks he is which only makes it worse. The fact that somebody didn't tackle him when he made this choice, lets you know he can't be reasoned with. So we let him pay for frequent shampooings and shake our head.
If you sit down to eat at a restaurant that has carpeting, you would think slopping food would be out of the question. NOT!
Mothers with small children come in and sit little Johnny in his highchair and let him go at it. Where does it go? On the carpet,of course. If this was Mommy's carpet she would reprimand little Johnny. Don't honey. Keep it on you plate, sugar.
Then we get to the part, this is a kid, and he's gonna make a mess. Yeah, Ok, we get that. Mommy 1 and Mommy 2 got lost in their conversation. It happens. So when they get up to leave, they get "little messy" out of the highchair and wipe him off. It all gets vigorously rubbed off on to the floor. Then they gather all there stuff and walk off. Here's the kicker they come back to leave the dollar tip and see the war zone. Not one compulsion to NOT leave it that way, NONE!
Mommies what are you thinking?
I was gonna address the dollar-two dollar tip issue in another installment. I CAN'T! I gotta let them have it! Are you kidding? We have to put up with your kids grabbing our straws and hineys. We have to put up with you asking little princess to tell us her order even if it takes her 10 mins. We have to put up with the kids asking for more of this and more of that every time we are near your table. We have to put up with the mess we have to clean before we can seat another family there. Then you throw a mediocre tip on the table! WHAT THE !!?? How about a little extra, because you know your bunch is a handful? Oh, I get it, you aren't supposed to be out to lunch. Hubby doesn't know. Your budget doesn't allow it. You are supposed to be at home cleaning. So you take the kids out to let them tear up your local restaurant and stiff your waitress?
Is this respect? I think not.
Once, in all my years, I actually saw a mother take a napkin and pick up the floor before she left. It was a moment I will never forget. All the waitresses and bus boys stopped and stared. The overhead music stopped. The dishes stopped clanging in the back, because the dishwasher came running out. All the tables began to stare. This mother her hair started to glow, her face lit up, a halo appeared over her head. Just then a chorus from heaven, HALLELUJAH!HALLELUJAH!HALLELUJAH! HALLLLEEEELLLUUUUUJAH!!!!! AMEN