You see Jr. is cut from the same cloth as his favorite aunt. Eat cake first, eat cake for breakfast, in a bus, on a train, just eat cake! He loves him some cake! Bubba Da Bang Bang Da Boogie (BDBBDB-his father's nickname for him), is the sweetest little guy and his little sister OH MY! She is adorable too! I promise lots of pictures.
NA! NA! GO! NA! NA! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! GO! GO! GO! NA! NA! You sing that to her and she gets to breaking it down for you. This girl has got the beat way down to her pinky toe. You go NA NA!!
Then there are these sweethearts! They are sitting waiting patiently on everyone to sit down for breakfast. French toast casserole hot out of the oven and thick cut bacon! Oh! Yeah! Baby!
This girl, we will call "sparkle", I don't know why that comes to mind.... but anyway she just had her 15th birthday. The slumber party was a hit and I got to make the cake. She wanted a Hawaiian theme. It was fun to make and the sand tasted awesome!
This last week was full of fun and absolute cuteness. From people to ketchup icing. I thank God for bringing such wonderful friends and family into my life, and the sugar...thanks Father for making sugar, allowing us to discover it. The fool that bit into that cane wasn't so crazy after all!
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